Allison Pregler Bio
Allison Pregler is an avid reviewer of Z-graded movies, mostly in the martial arts or horror types. Her style and method are very similar to The Cinema Snob. However she is more inclined to watch silly action films that have a twisted fascination. After earning some recognition on the forums that are part of Channel Awesome (under her previous handle Obscurus Lupa) and began her write reviews in late 2009. The site remained active until mid-2015 in the year that Obscurus Lupa Presents was revamped to Movie Nights. She also currently runs two podcasts through her channel, both of which cover the Charmed franchise and both co-hosted together with Phelous. After a controversial departure from Channel Awesome Allison officially announced on January 20th 2015 that she'd be revamping OLP into an impromptu review show called Movie Nights with an appropriately-shlocky elevator jazz theme. The videos are available here and here. You can also find her on Tumblr and Twitter. Allison is too much for you? Ninja the Mission Force shows her on the move in the role of Interpol Ninja Cheetah. Brad Jones' film Jesus Bro! also featured her. She has appeared on Brad Jones' series Midnight Screenings, usually reviewing terrible children's films or RiffTrax Live Shows as well as occasional adult comedies (such such as Baywatch 2017.). In 2009, after reviewing films her name was a hit through the Channel Awesome forums. Before joining the official family consisting of Channel Awesome reviewers, she gained a lot of attention. She has been on countless Channel Awesome episodes, including Atop the Fourth Wall as in Phelous & the Movies. She has appeared in numerous shows of Nostalgia Critic and was a one of the original members of Channel Awesome's family along together with Doug Walker.

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